The Puccini Society of Dallas Presents
“Lauren’s Favorite German Lieder”

featuring Lauren McNeese, mezzo soprano Elvia Puccinelli, piano Saturday, February 15, 2020, at 3:00PM Hosted by Antony Francis 5075 Lake Hill Court Dallas, TX 75220 |
Valet Parking Guests $30 – Members $25 R.S.V.P. to Jana Irwin at 817-999-5509 or P.O. Box 25105 Dallas, TX 75225 or puccinisociety @ |
Puccini Friends;
I am especially anticipating our upcoming program on Feb.15, featuring mezzo soprano Lauren McNeese. She will give us a program of Lieder by Strauss, Brahms, Mahler, and Wagner and I’ll admit I love Strauss as much as I love Puccini!
Lauren has sung in major opera companies around the country including Lyric Opera of Chicago, the Metropolitan Opera, San Diego Opera, San Francisco Opera, recently Dallas Opera’s Magic Flute (one of the three ladies), Opera in Concert, and others, including a number of leading roles. Please find a link to her bio below. Pianist Elvia Puccinelli will collaborate with Lauren for our program.
We are fortunate to live in an area so rich in talent, and indeed fortunate to have Lauren and other accomplished artists present our programs.
We will meet at the lovely home of Antony Francis, 5075 Lakehill Court, 75220. Be sure to look up the street name in one word to find it on your map app. They are in the same block as Richard and Enika Schulze, so it’s a familiar place to find. Please respond to Jana ([email protected]) or to this email to assure we have adequate seating in place.
Marilyn Halla