Featuring Soprano
Rachel Davies
in a Program of Arias and Broadway Songs
Saturday, October 3, 2020,
at 4:30 p.m.
Bring a chair and Wear a Mask!
12000 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230
Behind La Madeleine in Preston Forest Shopping Center.
Ample parking near and behind La Madeleine
On Sat., October 3rd, at 4:30 p.m., the Puccini Society will host an outdoor program featuring Rachel Davies, soprano. You may recall that Rachel sang a beautiful program for us last fall at the home of Susan and Mark Geyer.
Marion Dunton has graciously arranged for us to meet at a perfect neighborhood space at 12000 Preston Rd. It is at the end of her street, Tavel Circle, which begins just across from the Aerobic Center, off Willow Lane.
We ask everyone to wear a mask and there is plenty of space to allow for social distancing. Bring a lawn chair if that’s convenient and we will furnish drinks and small snacks. Rachel will present arias by Saint Saens, Verdi, and Mozart as well as some Broadway show tunes.
This space is directly north (behind) the La Madeleine in Preston Forest Center, and there is ample parking near and behind La Madeline. We can enter through “The Gate” just a few steps north on Preston Rd from the back of Preston Forest Center along the brick wall. For those who need to drive to the concert area, come to the end of Tavel Circle.
Dress casually and comfortably for the shady outdoor space, and enjoy seeing friends again! I know we’re all missing these kinds of events, and we promise to make this one safe for all.
Please reply to this e-mail if you can attend so we’ll have ample seating and drinks. I hope to see you for our Happy Hour Concert on Sat., Oct. 3rd.
Marilyn Halla