The Puccini Society of Dallas presents
with the Foote Foundation Schollmaier Scholars and graduate students of
Presented in memory of:
Cecile Bonte, Eleanor Krebs, Marigny Lanier, Ed Lynch, and Jody Reed
Saturday, November 13, 2021
3:00 p.m.
Members $30 Guests $35
Please RSVP to [email protected] by Nov. 10
Puccini Friends:
What a big group we had yesterday to enjoy Barbara Hill-Moore’s wonderful students. Some of these singers are young artists to watch! Prosper is really getting some wonderful opportunities with both Dallas and Ft. Worth Operas. Others may well be singers to watch in the future.

Photo by Mac Irwin
To enjoy their beautiful singing in the stunning surroundings of Bill Cornog’s home was a double pleasure; and what a gracious and accommodating host he is. All in all the afternoon was a lovely tribute to our past members Cecile Bonte, Eleanor Krebs, Marigny Lanier, Ed Lynch and Jody Reed. They were each valued and loved members of the Puccini Society.
To enjoy their beautiful singing in the stunning surroundings of Bill Cornog’s home was a double pleasure; and what a gracious and accommodating host he is. All in all the afternoon was a lovely tribute to our past members Cecile Bonte, Eleanor Krebs, Marigny Lanier, Ed Lynch and Jody Reed. They were each valued and loved members of the Puccini Society.
We continue to welcome new members to our group: Mary Lou Alford has just joined us along with a number of others who were introduced at our Sept. meeting. Mary Lou is delighted to find that she has a number of friends and acquaintances in our group. New members this fall include: Mary Lou Alford, John Shriner, Anna Morini, Yvonne Sage, Carl Schieffer, Dona and Michael Watson, and Mary Ellen Winborn. Also Brian Hackfeld, Joey Meirtschin, and Mark Landson. Welcome to all! Guest are always welcome and we were happy to have several yesterday as well.
I hope everyone will remember that these beautiful receptions are spearheaded by Mac Irwin and Patsy Brooks. Special thanks to Rosemary O’Neill and Josephine DeWaal for their special home baked Irish Tea Bread and Stollen. We appreciate them all so much! Bob Brooks makes sure we all have a wine of choice and graciously serves as bartender. Our whole Board is a great team as each member reliably does their job. Thanks to Jana Irwin for keeping our reservations and checking everyone in. The Tobys sent membership renewals and many have responded. You can still renew and now Jana can take your payment via credit card (817-999-5509) or a check to P.O. Box 25105, Dallas, 75225. Laurie Pan took very nice pictures which will be posted on our web site. Many thanks to all.
Yesterday’s guest Robin Green will host our Dec. 4 program in her lovely home. Josefina Maldonado, soprano will present our program. We had Josefina scheduled to sing for us just as we were asked to curtail our in-person meetings, and I’m really delighted to reschedule her now. She is a very accomplished young singer whom we will be thrilled to finally hear. Invitations will be sent out soon with meeting details.
Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving,
Marilyn Halla