offers its 20th anniversary party

Our fabulous keyboard player Tommy DeSalvo (musician extraordinaire), his lovely wife Lily, and our own Tamora Wood present cabaret music to the Puccini Society members at our 20th anniversary celebration.
with Tommy DeSalvo offering entertainment on the keyboard and accompanying member performances, which are encouraged!
September 18, 2016
at 5:00 pm
Hosted by Bettie Francis
3600 Princeton Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75205
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What a wonderful turnout for our first event of the year! Thanks so much to each of you who attended; you helped us start out our new year with a wonderful 20th Anniversary celebration. Our founding members in attendance, Bettie Francis, Bill Herrera, Sam and Inge Vastole, Marion Dunton and myself can recall when our group was just starting out. We had fewer members in those days but as time has gone by we’ve continued to grow and thrive. What hasn’t changed is that we still have the same purpose as when we started; acknowledging, enjoying and promoting the music of Puccini and other great composers.
I know you join me in thanking Bettie for hosting in her lovely home. It’s always a pleasure to enjoy her hospitality. And again, we appreciate her sending invitations and taking reservations. We especially thank Betti’s daughter Lillian for the lovely flower arrangements on the tables. Jana and Mac always offer a warm welcome, and Jana handles all our transactions as the professional she is.
Various thanks go to Patsy and Bob Brooks; always providing wine, making arrangements for food, and especially for their delightful contribution to the program. Marion Ward arranged the valet parking, as always, and we thank her for that.
Ed Flaspoehler wore a number of hats last night too; some may have learned for the first time that he’s a man of varied talents. He took photos which you’ll enjoy and proved himself an outstanding musician and performer as well. Ed, we all enjoyed your music very much!
Many of you are just meeting Tamora Wood, and you’ll have other opportunities this year to get to know her better. We all loved her musical selections and her lovely singing last night and look forward to her program with Alexander Rom. I’m glad you had an opportunity to meet her husband Phil as well.
I’m sure I speak for everyone in saying that Tommy DeSalvo is a keyboard master! I think you could add him to any event and you would have a party! His music was enjoyed immensely by all!
I look forward to enjoying our 2016-17 season of fine music with each of you.
Marilyn Halla
Photo Gallery
Photos by Ed Flaspoehler for Puccini Society of Dallas.