The Puccini Society of Dallas Presents
An Afternoon with Alexander Rom – His Music and Friends
Gary Levinson – Violin
Emily Hueske – Mezzo-Soprano
Rebecca Pacheco – Piano
Mr. Levinson performs on an Antonio Stradivari violin crafted in 1726.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
at 3:00 p.m.
Hosted by Enika and Richard Schulze
See Event Page
I hardly know where to begin to thank everyone for our fabulous, memorable program on March 3rd. Of course Alexander Rom is on the top of that list, as composer of the beautiful, romantic music presented. We are honored to have presented him and his fine compositions along with his friends. Gary Levinson is without doubt one of the very finest violinists of our city and with his historic Stradivarius violin, is always thrilling to hear. The other two ladies completing the afternoon are equally top notch, artistic performers. Rebecca Pacheco is to be especially thanked for filling in at almost the last moment when Baya Kakouberi suffered an accident and was unable to perform. Emily Hueska’s wonderful singing of the very French, French songs completed an absolutely delightful and beautiful musical afternoon.
It was especially nice to have members of the Dallas Opera Guild with us for this very special program. We will welcome you to come again.
There is probably not a lovelier place to enjoy all this music than the beautiful home of Enika and Richard Schulze, who are always such gracious and welcoming hosts for us, again and again. We all enjoy being in their home very much and appreciate their generosity. We all thank you both!
The bountiful reception, as always, was capably planned and executed by Patsy and Bob Brooks. After the music, the food and wine are an important part of everyone’s enjoyment. And as always there were no disappointments. The extra large crowd didn’t appear to be a challenge to these two. Our ongoing ”Thanks!” to you both!
Tamora Wood was instrumental in initiating and planning this very special program, as well as the beautiful invitations. We are so appreciative of all your contributions to our successful events Tamora.
As always, Bettie Francis took care of reservations, and with the help of Sarah and Joe checked in our large group of attendees. Thanks to you all.
At the risk of sounding repetitious, I want to express my personal gratitude to each of our board members who continue to work together in harmony and continue to contribute to the thriving success of our society.
Photo Gallery
- Betty Francis and her team greet guests at the door.
- A full house
- Host Richard Schulze
- PSD President Marilyn Halla
- John Richmond – UNT
- Alexander Rom Introduces his Music
- Alexander Rom
- Piano score
- Enter Gary Levinson
- Rebecca Pachecco at the Piano
- Violn Score
- Gary Levinson and 1726 Stradivarius
- Page Turn
- Stradivarius 1726
- Rebecca Pacheco
- Gary and Rebecca take a bow
- Applauding the Composer
- Violinist takes a bow
- Alexander Rom introduces the vocalist
- Rebecca Pacheco and and Emily Hueske
- Ready to sing
- Emily Hueske
- An Expressive Singer
- An intense accompanist
- Taking a bow
- Pianist takes a bow
- Ready to play
- Final Bows
- Marilyn thanks the performers
- Rebecca Pacheco
- Emily Hueske
- Gary Levinson
- Marilyn Halla
- Group Photo
- Group Photo
- A Lavish Buffet
- Somellier Bob Brooks
- Refreshments by Patsy Brooks
- Emily Hueske
- Emily Hueske
- Alexander Rom
- The Happy Composer
- Alexander Rom and Tamora Wood
- Neil and Vic enjoy the garden
- Gorgeous living room
- Luxurious Spring Garden
- Announcement
- Program
Photos by Ed Flaspoehler